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  Legend of the Lepchas  - Folk Tales from Sikkim

Legend Of The Lepchas - Folk Tales From Sikkim

by Yishey Doma

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.00
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  `In the beginning there was nothing but vast emptiness on earth and in the sky. Then Itbu-moo, the Mother Creator, shaped the mountains, the rivers, and the lakes. But something was missing. Why did her creation feel empty? So, taking a fresh ball of snow, she created the first man...and then the first woman. These became the chief deities of the Lepchas`. The Lepchas, defined by a language and a script, inhabit the region currently falling under the state of Sikkim, District Darjeeling of West Bengal, Ilam District of eastern Nepal and the southwestern parts of Bhutan. They have ancient lore to suggest their inhabitance in the regiion from time immemorial. Many of these tales are included in this delightful collection by Yishey Doma, describing gods, goddesses, people, animals and nature in a cohesive world where one cannot do without the other. Accompanying each story is an illustration by Pankaj Thapa, etching the lyrical sweep and mood of the tale.

ISBN - 9789380283791

Pages : 164
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