The Tale of Ivan the Fool is an adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s short story ‘Ivan the Fool’. Set in Russia, it is the tale of three brothers and the wicked devil, who attempts to make trouble for them. Whether the devil succeeds or not, and why, makes for an interesting read. Special Features:
Carefully graded for children across all board patterns, with
* a rich introduction which gives a background to the play.
* a well-defined dramatis personae section to allow easy character identification.
* an on-page glossary that does not impede the joy of reading aloud or enactment.
* rich illustrations which guide the use of costumes and stage settings.
* some suggestions for on-stage adaptations.
Plays for Schools is a series of playscripts meant to foster a love for reading and performing plays at school. The plays are chosen from among the well-loved stories of all times—from mythology and biography to modern fiction. Written in modern English with clear stage directions and useful notes, the playscripts lend themselves to reading aloud and enactment. They are graded, both in terms of theme and language, for children between five and fifteen years of age. ISBN-9788125038382
Pages : 48