Making money — and avoiding losses — is far easier for those who use the lessons of the past, the ‘unwritten’ laws that have stood the test of time. Most financial and investment advice focuses on recent trends, or encourages consumers to buy a favoured product, but this book breaks the mould, offering eternal wisdom that draws on years of expensive failures and enviable successes.
Following on from the success of James Skakoon’s The Unwritten Laws of Business, this thoughtful gem brings together these timeless truths for the first time. Covering everything from the simplest of rules (‘Better safe than sorry’) to the more troublesome (‘Guarantees are rarely guaranteed’), each law is presented in an easily digestible manner, and illustrated with examples.
Insightful, engaging and refreshingly free of financial jargon, this is essential reading for savers and investors, novices and old hands, all around the world — and will pay for itself many times over.
ISBN - 9781846682544
Pages : 158