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  Partitions - Reshaping States and Minds

Partitions - Reshaping States And Minds

by Stefano Bianchini, Sanjay Chaturvedi, Rada Ivekovic & Ranabir Samaddar

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 590.75
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  The partition of the Indian subcontinent, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the erstwhile Yugoslavia, the reunification of Germany, the continuing feud between the two Koreas, the Irish peace process, the case of Israel/ Palestine and the lingering division of Cyprus have together fuelled new thinking on the strategy and acts of partitioning countries, states, nations and continuities. They have also given rise to a huge body of literature. However, studies of partitions have usually focused on individual cases. This innovative volume uses comparative analysis to fill the gap in partition studies and examines cross-cutting isses such as:
- Violece
- Regional politics
- Peace politics
- Geopoloitics
- State formation and state building
- Union and regional unification
- Transitional strategies
- Historical experiences of decolonization and transition
Forms of violence and violent transition are worthy of analysis in their own right; the impact of various forms of violence on current politics such as ethnological and territorial conflicts or religious pogroms, is not confined to a locality that witnesses the partition polity - its impact is global. And as there is a strong link between partition, local violence and globalization, there is a real need for cutting-edge comparative framework that goes beyond area-centric readings but is gender sensitive, and sums up the experiences and implications of partitions.

ISBN - 9780415348027

Pages : 188
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