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  Intellectual Property Rights in WTO and Developing Countries

Intellectual Property Rights In Wto And Developing Countries

by Talwar Sabanna

  Price : Rs 1450.00
  Your Price : Rs 1276.00
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  Globalization process in the world economy in the from of free trade of goods and services across nations, international movement of finance, capital and labour migration has strengthened, particularly after the revolution of information technology and concerned global actions to initiate the process of reforms based on trade liberalization, technological collabration and participation of forging equity and portfolio investment in different parts of the world. The emergence of WTO at the conclusion of the Uruguay round of trade negotiations of the GATT has marked the beginning of the multilateral surveillance of the trading agreements that are evolving under the new global order. Further, the globalization has the catchword for been the catchword for international political economy discourses in the 1990’s. In other worlds, this them connotes a process of free trade in commodities and services the nations coupled with greater mobility of factors of production between nations such that economies of different nations tend to get integrated in practice. The would involve gradual dismantling of artificial restrictions on trade and investment in different parts of the world. This would also logically require devising of new rules of the game being evolved at the multilateral level to coordinate the increased flows of trade and investment.
ISBN : 9788183872607

Pages : 352
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