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  Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles

Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory Of Business Cycles

by Indrodeep Banerjee

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 175.00
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  Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles is the first ever systematic work on the astrological influences on stock markets and the stock prices, based on 11 years of aggressive research carried out with the wisdom gained through 20 years of professional experience in the field of astrology. There has been a persistent demand for some dependable method of predicting the stock markets with greater accuracy and this book will hopefully fill that gap successfully. The language of the book is simple and the complex astrological principles were also explained in a very simple manner that anyone, with little knowledge of astrology, can easily grasp these principles to predict the business cycles, periods of economic recession, panic and the direction of the stock prices successfully and use them accordingly for trading in the stock markets.
The fundamental idea behind this book was that the stock markets are governed by the investor sentiments of greed and fear and the fact remains true that all the human sentiments, whether the sentiment of greed or fear, are governed by the astrological influences on the human brains, which drives the brain to take any buying or selling decision in the markets.

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