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  Perspectives on Indian History, Historiography and Philosophy of History

Perspectives On Indian History, Historiography And Philosophy Of History

by G.P. Singh

  Price : Rs 780.00
  Your Price : Rs 624.00
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  The volume is a collection of papers on certain aspects of Indian history, historiography and culture. The papers are fundamental, insightful and path-breaking to some extent. Combining literary, archaeological, scientific and other perspectives, they cover a range of subjects stretching from ancient to modern India. The volume deals with the Greek historians, the Indian epic and Puranic tradition of historiography, colonial and cultural expansion of the Aryans, the early history of north-west India, society, trade and commerce in ancient India, economic, political and cultural contacts of India with other parts of Asia in ancient and medieval periods, and the 1857 War of Independence in India. It takes up some very interesting and new subjects like role of Brahmanas in the anti-Alexander movement in north-west India and the concept of national integration in ancient India. It explores the sources of history of Uttar Pradesh and the antiquity of Ayodhya and historicity of Rama in an interesting study.

The volume will be of immense use to historians and scholars of philosophy.
ISBN - 8124604878

Pages : 342
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