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  Notes on Functional Analysis

Notes On Functional Analysis

by Rajendra Bhatia

  Price : Rs 300.00
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  These notes are a record of a one semester course on Functional Analysis given by the author to second year Master of Statistics students at the Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi. Students taking this course have a strong background in real analysis, linear algebra, measure theory and probability, and the course proceeds rapidly from the definition of a normed linear space to the spectral theorem for bounded selfadjoint operators in a Hilbert space.

The book is organised as twenty six lectures, each corresponding to a ninety minute class session. This may be helpful to teachers planning a course on this topic. Well prepared students can read it on their own.


Lecture 1: Banach Spaces. Lecture 2: Dimensionality. Lecture 3: New Banach Spaces from Old. Lecture 4: The Hahn-Banach Theorem. Lecture 5: The Uniform Boundedness Principle. Lecture 6: The Open Mapping Theorem. Lecture 7: Dual Spaces. Lecture 8: Some Applications. Lecture 9: The Weak Topology. Lecture 10: The Second Dual and the Weak* Topology. Lecture 11: Hilbert Spaces. Lecture 12: Orthonormal Bases. Lecture 13: Linear Operators. Lecture 14: Adjoint Operators. Lecture 15: Some Special Operators in Hilbert Space. Lecture 16: The Resolvent and The Spectrum. Lecture 17: Subdivision of the Spectrum. Lecture 18: Spectra of Normal Operators. Lecture 19: Square Roots and the Polar Decomposition. Lecture 20: Compact Operators. Lecture 21: The Spectrum of a Compact Operator. Lecture 22: Compact Operators and Invariant Subspaces. Lecture 23: Trace Ideals. Lecture 24: The Spectral Theorem �I. Lecture 25: The Spectral Theorem �II. Lecture 26: The Spectral Theorem �III.

ISBN - 8185931890

Pages : 248
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