Title: Manhattan GMAT Number Properties [ 1st Guide of the Manhattan GMAT Series ] Author: Manhattan ISBN: 0982423845 Description The Number Properties Guide (160 pages) provides a comprehensive analysis of the properties and rules of integers tested on the GMAT. Learn, practice, and master everything from prime products to perfect squares. Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 161 "In-Action" problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations. ---------------------------------- Title: Manhattan GMAT Fractions, Decimals & Percents [2nd Guide of the Manhattan GMAT Series ] Author: Manhattan ISBN: 0982423829 The Fractions, Decimals, & Percents Guide (112 pages) provides an in-depth look at the variety of GMAT questions that test your knowledge of fractions, decimals, and percents. Learn to see the connections among these part-whole relationships and practice implementing strategic shortcuts. Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 82 "In-Action" problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations.<--------------------------------- Title: Manhattan GMAT Equations, Inequalities, & VICs [ 3rd Guide of the Manhattan GMAT Series ] Author: Manhattan ISBN: 0982423810 Description The Equations, Inequalities, & VICs Guide (192 pages) covers algebra in all its various forms (and disguises) on the GMAT. Master fundamental techniques and nuanced strategies to help you solve for unknown variables of every type. Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 162 "In-Action" problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations. -------------------------------- Title: Manhattan GMAT Word Translations [4th Guide of the Manhattan GMAT Series] Author: Manhattan ISBN: 0982423802 Description The Word Translations Guide (176 pages) analyzes the GMAT’s complex math word problems and provides structured frameworks for attacking each question type. Master the art of translating challenging word problems into organized data. Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 120 "In-Action" problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations. -------------------------------- Title: Manhattan GMAT Geometry [5th Guide of the Manhattan GMAT Series] Author: Manhattan ISBN: 0982423837 Description The Geometry Guide (112 pages) illustrates every geometric principle, formula, and problem type tested on the GMAT. Understand and master the intricacies of shapes, planes, lines, angles, and objects. Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 83 "In-Action" problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations. ------------------------------- Title: Manhattan GMAT Critical Reading [ 6th Guide of the Manhattan GMAT Series] Author: Manhattan ISBN: 0982423802 Description The Critical Reasoning Guide (200 pages) simplifies arguments by illustrating innovative diagramming techniques designed to increase comprehension and improve accuracy. Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 70 "In-Action" problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations. ------------------------------- Title: Manhattan GMAT Reading Comprehension [ 7th Guide of the Manhattan GMAT Series ] Author: Manhattan ISBN: 0982423853 Description The Reading Comprehension Guide (152 pages) illustrates innovative sketching techniques designed to balance speed and comprehension. Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 69 "In-Action" problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations. ------------------------------ Title: Manhattan GMAT Sentence Correction [ 8th Guide of the Manhattan GMAT Series ] Author: Manhattan ISBN: 0982423861 Description The Sentence Correction Guide (288 pages) takes the guesswork out of grammar by presenting every major grammatical principle and minor grammatical point tested on the GMAT. Don’t be caught relying only on your ear; master the rules for correcting every GMAT sentence. Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 187 "In-Action" problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations. All Strategy Guides come with 6 Full-Length Computer Adaptive Online Practice GMAT Exams.