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  The Creator of Universe Ma Shakti : Her 108 forms and 51 Shakti Peethas

The Creator Of Universe Ma Shakti : Her 108 Forms And 51 Shakti Peethas

by Prof. Shrikant Prasoon

  Price : Rs 150.00
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  When there was nothing there was only Shakti,
When there will be nothing there will be Shakti,
Shakti is both creative cause and active effect:
Motion, force, friction, stillness is only Shakti.

‘Ma Shakti and Shakti Peethas’ is pure gold wrapped in gold, pure energy, pervading the Universe as Cosmic Energy that emanates directly from Ma Shakti: all the wealth, Ridhis, Siddhis, wisdom and energy combined together. Read the book, purify self and pray to her for possessing them in abundance.

‘Ma Shakti and Shakti Peethas’ deals in detail various aspects of Ma Shakti as presented in the Vedas, (Shruti and Smriti; and Agam and Nigam); Upanishadas; Epics, Puranas, Tantra Shashtra, Darshan and Classics; and also from the modern world of science and spirituality. It is all about the Brahmandiya Shakti (the Cosmic Energy) and the Shakti that we invariably take from the Brahmanda.

‘Ma Shakti and Shakti Peethas’ shows that in the form of Sachidanand Atma, she moves Rudras, Vasus, Adityas and Viswadevas. She possesses Mitra, Varun, Indra, Agni and Aswinikumars. She is Adi Shakti, Brahmani Shakti, Narayani, Vaishanavi, Para and Apara; Gayatri; Gyan; Iksha; Kriya; Kundalini and Matrika Shakti; Dash Vidyas and Maha Durga; Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati. It is Pooja, prayer and obeisance to read this book that enriches one`s Self for Oneness and Mukti.

Pages : 232
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