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  Agile Web Development with Rails

Agile Web Development With Rails

by Dave Thomas

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 425.00
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  Your job is to write high-quality, beautiful-looking web applications. They need to be ready tomorrow, but you’ll be maintaining and extending them for years. You could use Java; a J2EE-based solution would be well structured, but Java applications seem to take forever to write. Or you could use a scripting language such as PHP; it would let you hack out code quicker. But you’re worried about maintain¬ing and extending that code over the coming months and years.

Ruby on Rails may well be the middle ground you’ve been looking for.

Rails is a full-stack MVC web framework that helps you produce highly structured applications without getting in your way. You concentrate on application-level functionality and let Rails take care of the details. And because you’ll be writing in Ruby, you get the power and expressiveness of one of the most dynamic languages in existence.

With this book, you’ll

* Follow along with an extended tutorial as we write a web-based store application;
* Learn how Rails eliminates tedious configuration and application knitting;
* Understand how to use Rails’ code generators to create working prototypes within minutes and how to build on that code to refine the functionality incrementally;
* See how to include technologies such as AJAX, web services, and e-mail handling in your code;
* Test your applications as you write them using the built-in unit and functional testing frameworks;
* Deploy your applications into an unfriendly, demanding world.

Beginners and experts alike will keep coming back to this book while developing and deploying their Rails applications. Teams around the world use Rails to deliver professional, scalable web solutions. This book shows how you can too.
ISBN - 9788184041866

Pages : 572
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