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  Building Websites with Joomla!

Building Websites With Joomla!

by Hagen Graf

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  Step By Step Tutorial

Joomla! is a fully featured web content management system and was created in Summer 2005 as a fork from the hugely popular Mambo CMS with many of the original Mambo developers moving their efforts to Joomla! While still in its first release, it is supported by an active and well organized open source development team and community. Joomla! is both easy to use at the entry level for creating basic websites, whilst having the power and flexibility to support complex web applications. Joomla! implements the core requirements of a full-featured CMS. It has a powerful and extensible templating system with the ability to upload and manage many different data types. User access control, content approval, rich administrative control, and content display scheduling are all built-in. New features and extensions are constantly added to the core system, with many more being available and supported by the community.

Hagen Graf was born in July 1964. Born and raised in Lower Saxony, Germany, his first contact with a computer was in the late seventies with a Radioshack TRS 80. As a salesperson, he organized his custom¬ers’ data by programming suitable applications. This gave him a big advantage over other salesmen. With the intention of honing his skills, he joined evening courses in programming and became a programmer. Nowadays he works in his wife’s consulting company as a trainer, consultant, and programmer.
ISBN : 9788184042405


Pages : 342
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