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  Folklore of Himachal Pradesh

Folklore Of Himachal Pradesh

by M. R. Thakur

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 550.00
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  Set against the backdrop of snowy peaks, Himachal Pradesh is a nature’s paradise on earth. It is a land of hills and dales, of perennial springs and splendid lakes, of mountain slopes and swift-moving streams, of picturesque hamlets and smiling meadows. While the scenic beauty of Himachal is matchless, the people of the area have added special attraction through their cultural, social and archaeological heritage. From the bountiful nature they have derived their most beautiful way of life. They have a rich folk tradition that manifests itself through rich folk literature.

The present study deals with the folk ballads of mythical, historical, religious and traditional significance. While the jheras and hars exhibit tales of heroism and valour, the sati gathas tell the pathetic sad stories of women who sacrificed their precious lives at the funeral pyres of their husbands. It discusses the folk-tales of ghosts, devils and demons, of birds and animals, of fate and adversities, of kinship and friendship and other social bonds.

The book discusses the folk proverbs of social, professional and historical importance as well as the position of women in hill society. The poetic beauty and metaphoric presentation provide enchanting charm to the folk riddles. It contains a brief history of folk theatre and folk dances as well as different forms of folk dramas and folk dances prevalent in the state. In an absorbing style the book deals with the melodious music and a plethora of musical instru-ments. Among folk songs of Himachal, ritual songs, festival songs, heroic songs, love songs and devotional and divine songs find elaborate discussion.
ISBN - 8173871965

Pages : 240
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