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  100 Promises to my Baby

100 Promises To My Baby

by Mallika Chopra

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 355.50
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  As she eagerly awaited the birth of her first child, Mallika Chopra, herself the daughter of well-known New Age guru Deepak Chopra, began to craft a unique gift that would express her profound loving commitment to the baby growing inside of her.

100 Promises to My Baby is that gift – one that reflects her deep awareness of the responsibilities of parenthood. Here, Chopra reveals the vows she made to help her child – and all children – grow up feeling cherished and secure. She also shares short essays reflections and poems that inspired her throughout her life – and that will inspire you to think about your own life, values, and beliefs, and what you would like to pass on to your children.

Mallika Chopra’s stories and essays are compelling and human – whether you are pregnant, parenting a newborn, or supporting a “baby” who is in college, 100 Promises to My Baby is a reminder to connect with the parent you’d like to be, even if you occasionally miss the mark. ISBN - 8174365028

Pages : 272
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