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  The Special Correspondent : A handbook for reporters

The Special Correspondent : A Handbook For Reporters

by Dilip Awasthi

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 265.50
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  Rarely have I come across performing teachers who will tell you that you can also do it. My bad luck. This book practically comes as my revenge towards those seniors who love watching sagging young faces so that their one-upmanship remains intact. Ravi Shankar’s sitar possesses the same octaves as any other similar instrument, or Sachin Tendulkar’s willow also conforms to the standard dimensions of the bats available in the market. If they can do it, why can’t you? Agreed that these are people with some extraordinary talent. The moot question however is whether each one of us has had a fair chance to explore our own latent talent. My answer is a big No. The reason is simple. Academics always present us with the mountain view of a molehill.

My next question is: does Ravi Shankar consult a musical notation book to play a touching tune or Tendulkar grope through the cricketing copybook to sweet-time his shots? It comes to them fairly naturally and spontaneously. The only difference perhaps is that they have slogged to reach these heights. They have worked hard and risen through the ranks. It takes a while to reach a position and produce your best.

This book will make the students of journalism and the budding journalists know and feel how it works outside a classroom situation.

The Special Correspondent is a comprehensive how-to guide to journalists. What is news? What is reporting? How to distinguish between routine reportage and a special story? How to develop a nose for news? These are FAQ of journalists. Dilip Awasthi gives useful tips on all these with plenty of sample excerpts from good and bad reporting. A section is devoted to secrets of clear writing. Includes a glossary of frequently-confused words and expressions.
ISBN - 813090246X

Pages : 198
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