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  The Autobiograph of an Indian Monk - With an introduction by W.B. Yeats and edited with essay on the author by Vinod Sena

The Autobiograph Of An Indian Monk - With An Introduction By W.B. Yeats And Edited With Essay On The Author By Vinod Sena

by Shri Purohit Swami

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.00
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  Contents: Preface. Introduction. Life and works of Shri Purohit Swami. 1. How the soil had been prepared. 2. Grandmother and nursing mothers. 3. I am not to be a landlord. 4. You are a Brahmin; be a Brahmin always! 5. Mahatmas and the divine master in a cobra. 6. The philosophy of riches. 7. The great yogic powers. 8. The astrologer’s prediction. 9. The engine refuses to move. 10. May Shri Gurudeo bless you! 11. Come to me. 12. Practise penance. 13. God and Mammon. 14. The God’s bed. 15. Mysticism is not mystery, it is mystery unveiled. 16. Religion versus spirituality. 17. The Kundalini. 18. Truth knows no defence. 19. My master. 20. Samadhi. 21. The touchstone. 22. For my sake. 23. The ordeal of service. 24. Go back, my child. 25. I know him too well! 26. The begging-bowl. 27. I am Dattatreya. 28. Another temptation. 29. My Lord Shrikrishna. 30. A new lease of life. 31. The dream of the Himalayas. 32. Who showed me the way? 33. The mandate. 34. Out at last! 35. The Assassin’s dagger. 36. I am Brahma! Epilogue. Prayer. Index.
ISBN - 812150546X

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