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  Dalit Phobia: Why Do They Hate Us?

Dalit Phobia: Why Do They Hate Us?

by Chandra Bhan Prasad

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 347.60
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  The Dalit iconoclast makes a clear distinction between the backward castes (the Shudras), and Dalits or Untouchables. He was chased by his critics for holding this view and he took the bolder decision to give his ideas the shape of this book.

The analysis may further the understanding of the caste divide in India in the context of reservation for backward classes.

Urban educated members of forward castes and Shudras get agitated when they are charged with discriminating against Dalits. Dalit Phobia gives them the benefit of the doubt and may help them overcome their hate sense which Chandra Bhan says is passed on from generation to generation. Is Dalit Phobia a genetic disease? The author makes a strong case saying ‘yes it is’.
ISBN: 81-89766-01-5

Pages : 240
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