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  Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, 4e

Aerodynamics For Engineering Students, 4E

by Houghton E.L.

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.00
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  This volume is intended for all students of engineering on courses or programmes of study up to graduate level. The first chapter defines the units and dimensions of the physical quantities used in aerodynamics; hydro and aerostatics are considered next with their allied topics of manometry and atmospheric stability respectively followed by the definitions of geometry and force common in aeronautical practice. Basic fluid mechanics in one-dimensional and then two-dimensional flow form the themes of Chapters 2 and 3 respectively. Chapters 4 and 5 are concerned with the aerodynamics of lift. Chapter 4 is devoted to two-dimensional flow around aerofoils wnile Chapter 5 opens with a description of the aerodynamics of vortex motion which is then used to develop the general wing theories. Chapter 6 deals with viscous flow and boundary layer theory. In Chapter 7 the high speed flow situations described in previous chapters on basic fluid mechanics are extended to include the effects on wings at high speed. Chapter 8 on flow control and wing design followed by the short Chapter 9 on propellers and propulsion completes the text. ISBN 9788123904290

Pages : 515
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