The textbook teaches VHDL using system examples combined with programmable logic and supported by laboratory exercises. While other textbooks concen-trate only on language features, Circuit Design with VHDL offers a fully integrated presentation of VHDL and design concepts by including a large number of complete design examples, illustrative circuit diagrams, a review of fundamental design concepts, fully explained solutions and simulation results. The book is organized in a clear progression, with the first part covering the circuit level, treating foundations of VHDL and fundamental coding, while the record part covers the system level (units that might be located in a library for code sharing, reuse, and partitioning) expanding upon the earlier chapters to discuss system coding. Part I, "Circuit Design", examines in detail the background and coding techniques of VHDL, including code structure, data types, operators and attributes, concurrent and sequential statements and code, objects (signals, variables, and constraints), design of finite state machines, and examples of additional circuit design. Part II, "System Design", builds on the material already presented, adding elements intended mainly for library allocation; it examines packages and components, functions and procedures, and additional examples of system design. Appendixes on programmable logic devices [PLDs/FPGAs] and synthesis tools follow part II. The book is intended for use by students of computer science and electrical engineering. ISBN-- 9788120326835
Pages : 376