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  Google Apps Hacks

Google Apps Hacks

by Lenssen

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  Can Google applications really become an alternative to the venerable Microsoft Office suite? Conventional wisdom may say no, but practical wisdom says otherwise. Right now, 100,000 small businesses are currently running trials of Google office applications. So are large corporations such as General Electric and Proctor & Gamble. Google Apps Hacks gets you in on the action with several ingenious ways to push Google`s web, mobile, and desktop apps to the limit. The scores of clever hacks and workarounds in this book help you get more than the obvious out of a whole host of Google`s web-based applications for word processing, spreadsheets, PowerPoint-style presentations, email, calendar, and more by giving you ways to exploit the suite`s unique network functionality. You get plenty of ways to tinker with:

Google Documents -- Share and edit documents with others in real time, view them on the run with Google Docs mobile service, and use Google Notebook for web research
Google Spreadsheets -- Add real-time data to spreadsheets, and generate charts and tables you can embed in web pages
Google Presentations -- View them on a mobile phone and save them as video
Gmail -- Send email to and from a mobile phone, adjust Gmail`s layout with a style sheet, and a lot more
iGoogle -- Create your own gadgets, program a screenscraper, add Flash games, and more
Google Calendar -- Add web content events, public calendars, and your Outlook Calendar to this application
Google Reader, Google Maps, Google Earth, and Google SketchUp: the new 3D modeling software tool
Picasa, YouTube, and Google Video -- discover new ways to customize and use these media management appsISBN 97888184045079

Pages : 396
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