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  Google, The Missing Manual, 2/ed

Google, The Missing Manual, 2/Ed

by Beth Stearns, Linda Demichiel, Sanjeev Krishnan, Vlada Matena

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 361.25
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  Sure, you know how to "Google it" when you`re searching for something on the Web. But did you know how much more you could achieve by clicking beyond the "Google Search" button? Our fully updated and expanded edition to Google: The Missing Manual covers everything you need to know to become a Google guru--including all the new, cool, and often overlooked features that make Google the world`s best search engine. Google.com is one of the most popular sites on the Internet and is used around the world by millions of people every day. Sure, you know how to "Google it" when you`re searching for something--anything!--on the Web. It`s plenty fast and easy to use. But did you know how much more you could achieve with the world`s best search engine by clicking beyond the "Google Search" button? While you can interface with Google in 97 languages and glean results in 35, you can`t find any kind of instruction manual from Google. Lucky for you, our fully updated and greatly expanded second edition to the bestselling Google: The Missing Manual covers everything you could possibly want to know about Google, including the newest and coolest--and often most underused (what is Froogle, anyway?)--features. There`s even a full chapter devoted to Gmail, Google`s free email service that includes a whopping 2.5 GB of space). This wise and witty guide delivers the complete scoop on Google, from how it works to how you can search far more effectively and efficiently (no more scrolling through 168 pages of seemingly irrelevant results); take best advantage of Google`s lesser-known features, such as Google Print, Google Desktop, and Google Suggest; get your website listed on Google; track your visitors with Google Analytics; make money with AdWords and AdSense; and much more. Whether you`re new to Google or already a many-times-a-day user, you`re sure to find tutorials, tips, tricks, and tools that take you well beyond simple search to Google gurudom. About the Authors Sarah Milstein is an editor with O`Reilly, focusing on the Missing Manual series. She`s written numerous articles for the New York Times, and is the former editor of the New York Software Industry Association`s newsletter. Before that, she worked in the non-profit sector. Intermittently, Sarah posts quirky movie reviews on her web site, www.dogsandshoes.com. Rael Dornfest is Founder and CEO of Portland, Oregon-based Values of n. Rael leads the Values of n charge with passion, unearthly creativity, and a repertoire of puns and jokes some of which are actually good. Prior to founding Values of n, he was O`Reilly`s Chief Technical Officer, program chair for the O`Reilly Emerging Technology Conference (which he continues to chair), series editor of the bestselling Hacks book series, and instigator of O`Reilly`s Rough Cuts early access program. He built Meerkat, the first web-based feed aggregator, was champion and co-author of the RSS 1.0 specification, and has written and contributed to six O`Reilly books. Rael`s programmatic pride and joy is the nimble, open source blogging application Blosxom, the principles of which you`ll find in the Values of n philosophy and embodied in Stikkit: Little yellow notes that think. J.D Biersdorfer is the author of "iPod: The Missing Manual" and "The iPod Shuffle Fan Book," and is co-author of "The Internet: The Missing Manual" and the second edition of "Google: The Missing Manual." She has been writing the weekly computer Q&A column for the Circuits section of The New York Times since 1998 and has covered everything from 17th-century Indian art to the world of female hackers for the newspaper. She currently co-hosts the weekly NYT Tech Talk podcast and has written for Rolling Stone, The New York Times Book Review and the AIGA Journal of Graphic Design. Biersdorfer has written essays on the collision of pop culture and technology for the books "The Education of the E-Designer" (2001) and "Sex Appeal "(2000), and "Citizen Designer" (2003) from Allworth Press, and is a contributor to "The Enlightened Bracketologist: The Final Four of Everything" (Bloomsbury USA, 2007). She lives in New York City and is equally obsessed with the BBC and the banjo. Matthew MacDonald is a developer, author, and educator in all things Visual Basic and .NET. He`s worked with Visual Basic and ASP since their initial versions, and written over a dozen books on the subject, including The Book of VB .NET (No Starch Press) and Visual Basic 2005: A Developer`s Notebook (O`Reilly). He has also written Excel 2007:The Missing Manual, Excel 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual, Access 2007:The Missing Manual, and Access 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual, all from O`Reilly. His website is www.prosetech.com. ISBN 9788184042856

Pages : 478
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