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  Environment and Human Responses: Selected Essays in Geography

Environment And Human Responses: Selected Essays In Geography

by R.N.P. Sinha

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 280.00
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  This volume presents a series of essays on varied sub-fields of geography through which runs a common threads of eternal geography concern-human response to environment. This is in keeping with the varied interests of Mrs. V.A. Janaki, in whose felicitation this volume is being brought out. In essence, it is a summary of some grand themes in the field of urban geography, population and settlement geography, marketing geography, economic geography, cultural geography, historical and political geography as also in the field of cartography; and is a prospectus of warning and hope, written in terms layman can understand and act upon. It will be the purpose of this compendium to examine various segments of the earth environments as it is and how man has reacted to it giving rise to various forms of activities, and in the process bringing about changes both in the environment and the human society; thus in turn creating new opportunities and posing new problems. This will give, on a small-scale, an idea of what is happening to the earth and to ourselves and what must be done.ISBN:8170222435

Pages : 340
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