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  Dalit and Tribal Leadrship in Panchayat

Dalit And Tribal Leadrship In Panchayat

by S.N. Chaudhary

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 520.00
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  Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes constitute about 16 and 20 per cent of total population of Madhya Pradesh, respectively. Because of social and physical segregation, the rate of their participation in the development process was very limited. Their presence in political sphere, particularly in the Panchayati Raj institutions was notional before the 73rd Constitutional Amendment. Today, there are thousands of dalits and adivasis at different levels of PRI. The present book addresses various issues concerning scheduled tribes and scheduled castes in the state. Tracing the history of Panchayati Raj in the country, the book analyses the status of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe leadership in Panchayats, particularly in the light of 73rd Constitutional Amendment. Taking a close look at the interface between Panchayat and the SC and ST leadership, it evaluates its socio-economic and political implications. It also provides socio-economic profile of dalit leaders in Panchayats, level of their awareness, their achievements and expectations. The book is quite useful for researchers, planners and policy makers, panchayat functionaries and the students of dalit and tribal studies.ISBN:8180690709

Pages : 154
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