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  What  America did for India`s Independence

What America Did For India`S Independence

by Col. M.N. Gulati

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 464.10
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  India was not alone in its fight against BritishImperialism and colonialism. Far from it. Hitler `s Germany was wawayas at hand to extend moral and material support. its is agreed that the official policy of the Administration followed a roller coaster track in support if India, there is no deynying the fact that the America Congress Public and the media print as well as electronic went out its way to render political moral and financial support. The book covers the Americn aspect fairly comprehensively it follows two extremes it is either excessively pro American and the American support it derogatory motives in some and both sides lack in integrating at Indian political point of view and events and their impact on the international scene. The Chinese moral and political support for the cause of Indian freedom goes was most valuable and often came it crucial point of time. And that holds good for the Japanese, Burmese, French, German and the soviet Union too. ISBN : 8170491851

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