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  Differential Equations And Their Applications, 2nd Edi.

Differential Equations And Their Applications, 2Nd Edi.

by Zafar Ashan

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  Primarily intended for the undergraduate students in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering, this text gives in-depth coverage of differential equations and the methods of solving them.

The book begins with the basic definitions, the physical and geometric origins of differential equations, and the methods for solving first-order differential equations. Then it goes on to give the applications of these equations to such areas as biology, medical sciences, electrical engineering and economics. The text also discusses, systematically and logically, higher-order differential equations and their applications to telecom-munications, civil engineering, cardiology and detec-tion of diabetes, as also the methods of solving simultaneous differential equations and their applica-tions. Besides, the book provides a detailed discussion on Laplace transform and their applications, partial differential equations and their applications to vibration of a stretched string, heat flow, transmission lines, etc., and calculus of variations and its applications.

This book, which is a happy fusion of theory and application, would also be useful to postgraduate students.ISBN 9788120325234

Pages : 528
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