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  Statistics Made Simple- Do It Yourself On PC, 2nd edi..,

Statistics Made Simple- Do It Yourself On Pc, 2Nd Edi..,

by Sarma

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 505.75
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  This textbook, now in its second edition, is designed for the students opting for courses in research methodology. It is also intended for the postgraduate students of population studies, sociology, economics, psychology and anthropology.

Written in a reader-friendly style, this thoroughly revised text teaches the students how to handle data and get the desired output through commonly available software like Microsoft Office 2007 and Excel using a step-by-step approach. Real-life data have been analyzed and illustrated through graphs, tables and screenshots. An entire chapter is devoted to Crystal Reports (CRP) software, which is currently used for rendering custom-designed reports from databases.

This book will also benefit all those professionals who are not aware of the use of computer for data handling and statistical analysis. isbn-9788120340176

Pages : 304
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