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Environmental Sanitation

by Baljeet S. Kapoor

  Price : Rs 100.00
  Your Price : Rs 88.00
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  ISBN: 81-219-2009-4 * 1. Environmental Sanitation in Rural and Urban Areas - Concept and Importance * Environmental Sanitation * History of SAnitation * Rural and Urban Sanitation * Changing Concepts in Public Health and Environmental Sanitation * Importance of Environmental Sanitation * Disease and Environmental Sanitation * Public Awareness and Role of Environmental Englineers 2. Water Supply and Sanitation * Need for a Policy * Planning of water Supply Schemes * Design of Water Supplly Schemes * Water Treatment Methods * Purification of Qater on a Small Scale * Storage and Distribution * Failures to Implement Safe W ater Supply * Sedimentation and Coagulation 3. Land Pollution * Definition of Land Pollution * Causes of Land Pollution * Abatement of Land Pollution 4. Solid Wastes * Introduction * types of Solid Wastes * Characteristics of Solid Wastes * Solid Waste Management * Solid Waste Generation Rates * Storagee Collection and Waste Generation Rates * Storage Collection and Transportation of Solid Waste * Solid Waste Disposal * Excreta Disposal * Low Cost Treatment of Sewage * Low Cost Disposal Syatem for Sullage (Waste water from Kitchens ans Bathrooms) Low cost Sanitation for Low Cost Housing * Farmhouse and Cattle Shed Sanitation 6. Standard Recommendtions and Rules Waste Dosposal Methoks * Lighting 8. Sanitation of Public Places * Sanitation at Fairs, Melas and Places of Pilgrimage * Sanitation of Railway Sanitation of Bus Stnds * Sanitation of Hospitals * Sanitation of Swimming Pools * Industry Ergonomics * Standards of Hygiene on Pilgrim Ships and on Aircrafts Carrying Pilgrims 9. Sanitation of Public Place * Index

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