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  Marketing Express

Marketing Express

by John L. Mariotti

  Price : Rs 99.00
  Your Price : Rs 84.15
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  Marketing express is the fast-track route to mastering all aspects of marketing. It introduces and explains all the key techniques successful marketers use, from CRM to brand management, and from failsafe planning to making the most of technology. It is illustrated with examples and lessons from some of the worlds most successful businesses, including Sony, Sephora, Apple,Zara, Henkel, Best Buy and Wal*Mart, and ideas from experts like C.K. Prahalad. Theodore Levitt, Philip Kotler, David Aaker, Al Ries and Jack Trout. It includes a glossary of key concepts, a comprehensive resources guide and a fast, easy-to-read summary of "ten steps to making it work". Marketing express gets straight to the essentials so you can read up and act...fast. ISBN 8126507278

Pages : 504
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