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Dynamics Of Mass Communication : Theory And Practice

by Uma Narula

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  The present book has highlighted the impacts of the two significant communication dynamics of innovative communication technologies and globalization process in the current decades which have transformed the world. Dynamics of mass media and interpersonal communications, viz. economics, literacy, social, technology and globalization are changing human condition. The impact and interplay of these different dynamics create the holistic communication scenario. New ideas, new models of communications and newer perspectives through which communication has been studied, applied, or practiced have evolved and changed overtime and that has changed its dynamics both in theory and practice. The book has presented the significance of these dynamics. The relevance and significance of dynamics of communications in every walk of human life is presented through vivid human stories. These stories suggest that power of communication lays in its holistic integration of various communication perspectives. That is the major contribution of the book. In 2000 decades the communication scholars, teachers and trainers, researchers, practitioners, professionals, and educators look forward to an integrated communication scenario for people, society and governance. The book is unique in presenting significance of such dynamics and impacts to all those who focus on the critical issues of development, culture, globalization and information technology etc. in different world societies. It is challenging and provocative book and essential reading for all those who care about such dynamics. The author’s four decades of communication researches in diverse communication areas, from diverse perspectives and in different geo areas have provided depth in presenting the dynamic view of communication in cohesive and understandable pattern. ISBN :8126906367

Pages : 312
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