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  The Islands And Tribes Of Andaman And Nicobar

The Islands And Tribes Of Andaman And Nicobar

by Priti Singh

  Price : Rs 3500.00
  Your Price : Rs 3500.00
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  The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are secluded worlds of enchantment that are bound to overwhelm the traveller by their mysterious aura, azure waters, pristine beaches and palm fronds. Though they have come a long way since their moments of glory and pathos, yet many misconceptions about the place continue to exist. And, therein lies the germ of the book which is an attempt to capture the true essence of these islands and portray them with the great felicity they deserve. The text is accompanied by images that interpret and unravel each story and help one navigate through the book which is a product of years of research, exploration and compilation of facts. The book`s size, as well as time frame, is colossal. But, the islands are so multi-faceted that to fully-comprehend their verve one has to view them in their entirety. The book, which is absorbing, continually captivating and perhaps the next best thing to a visit, also helps one better understand the six tribal communities of the islands - their origins and ancestry, geographic distribution, socio-economic activities, legends, beliefs and folktales. Likewise, the island`s tragic history, reflected in its impressive monuments, make you pause and ponder at the pointless destruction of life and liberty whereas the beauty and bounty of its open spaces add to the sensory abundance of being part of the quintessence of nature.

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