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  Essence of Maharishi Patanjali`s Ashtang Yoga

Essence Of Maharishi Patanjali`S Ashtang Yoga

by J. M. Mehta

  Price : Rs 60.00
  Your Price : Rs 60.00
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  This book mainly deals with Ashtang Yoga founded by Maharishi Patanjali, the author of Yoga Darsan or Yoga Sutra. In the present day world, Yoga is being propagated as a combination of physical and breathing exercises (Asana and Pranayam). But Ashtang Yoga is much more than that. It is a comprehensive yogic discipline which includes physical, mental and spiritual aspects.

Besides, treating the subject of Yoga in a general manner, the book briefly explains the eight parts of the ancient yogic discipline, which consists of the Yamas and Niyamas (moral and social conduct), Asana (physical postures), Pranayam (regulation of breath), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses) and Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi (inner yogic discipline). ’Ashtang\` means eight limbs or parts, hence the name, Ashtang Yoga. The emphasis of this Yoga is on the inner and intangible discipline which leads to the perfection or liberation of the soul.
...And this alone is the highest or ultimate goal of human life. ISBN: 8122309216

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