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  Social Banking

Social Banking

by Dr Deepali Pant Joshi

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 348.50
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  Social Banking: Promise, Performance and Potential provides an overview of the Indian banking scenario from both a historical and a theoretical perspective. It discusses the development of Social Banking, its working and its relevance for the present and the future. The book presents the contribution of banking institutions in promoting savings and investments and extending the reach of banking services.
The author argues the case for large-scale Social Banking and microfinance for the alleviation of poverty. She also provides an extensive analysis of the remarkable traits that have made Social Banking a success in India and enabled the Indian banking system to reach millions of low-income savers and borrowers. It clearly demonstrates the tremendous potential embedded in well-designed institutional interventions.
Through this book, Dr Deepali Pant Joshi has made an important contribution to the understanding of the performance of Social Banking in India and its potential for uplifting the weaker sections through viable enterprises. The author combines the professional expertise of a senior banker with the social commitment and analytical rigour of an economist. This book addresses an issue that has high priority on the national agenda and will be a valuable source of reference on the subject for bankers, policy makers, teachers and students of economics.

Pages : 200
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