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  Riches of Indian Archaeological and Cultural Studies (In 2 Volumes)

Riches Of Indian Archaeological And Cultural Studies (In 2 Volumes)

by P. Chenna Reddy (Ed.)

  Price : Rs 4900.00
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  The present volume is a collection of 81 articles by scholars of repute which provides a panaoramic view of Indian historical studies covering Archaeology, Art & Architecture, Epigraphy & Numismatic Studies, Religion and Philosophy.
Contents : Foreword / List of Contributors / List of Plates / Biographical Sketches of I.K. Sarma
1. A Global Perspective of Indian Palaeoart by Robert G. Bednarik / 2. Field Techniques in Archaeological Survey of India by Jagat Pati Joshi / 3. Stone Age Cultures and Indian Tradition by A. Sundara / 4. Ochre Coloured Pottery : Further Investigations into Its Earliest Chrono-Cultural Horizon by M.D.N. Sahi / 5. Pattern of Settlements of the People Using OCP in District Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh by R.P. Sharma / 6. The Paucity of Horse as a Function of Humid Harappan Environment by J. Manuel / 7. Survival of the Harappan Terracotta Bull-headed Toy-carts at Fatehpur in the Lower Ganga-Yamuna Doab: An Ethno-Archaeological Study by Krishna Kumar / 8. Archaeology of Punjab : Some Observations by Brajesh Krishna / 9. Maritime History of Andhra Pradesh and Prospects for Marine Archaeological Research by Sila Tripati / 10. Onshore and Near Shore Exploration along the Southern Tamilnadu Coast: with a view to locating Ancient Ports and Submerged Sites by A.S. Gaur and Sundaresh / 11. Excavation of a Historic Shipwreck by Alok Tripathi / 12. Growth and Development of Towns in Medieval Times - An Archaeological Study of the Settlements in District Alwar, Rajasthan by C. Margabandhu / 13. Distribution Pattern of the Brahmanical Settlements in Andhradesa circa A.D. 400-1000 by Shantisri Banerji / 14. Technique of Manufacturing Terracotta Figurines in Ancient India by Niharika Srivastava / 15. Terracotta Plaques from a Cruciform Buddhist Remains at Pillak - South Tripura by G.C. Chauley / 16. Ceramic Traditions in Early Andhradesa - An Appraisal by S. Rama Krishna Pisipaty / 17. Some Mother Goddess Cult Figurines from an Urn Burial Exavation at Malampuzha, District Palaghat, Kerala by Ajit Kumar / 18. Metallurgical Studies of Ancient Metallic Artefacts by B. Sasisekharan & B. Raghunatha Rao / 19. Small Scale Excavations at Jujjuru, Dist. Krishna - A Case Study by R. Krishnaiah / 20. Lodorva - A Recent Archaeological Finding by Sh. Nayan Anand Chakraborty et at / 21. A Study of Bead Industry in Tamil Nadu (Based on Selective Sites) by P.D. Balaji / 22. The Buried Treasures of Human Ingenuity - A Lay Man`s Appraisal by K. Seshadri / 23. Wooden Coffins of West Asia and their Survival in Proto-historic India with special reference to Andhra Pradesh by B. Subrahmanyam / 24. A Multidisciplinary Medical Scientist Par Excellence of Ancient India by Swarna Kamal Bhowmik / 25. A Note on History of Anesthesia by K. Padmanabha / 26. Historiography of Archaeology of the Coastal Karnataka by C.B. Pati
27. A Comparative Study of the Votive Stupas at Langudi, Lalitgiri, Udaygiri and Ratnagiri by Milan Kumar Chauley / 28. Transmutation of Buddhist Ideologies in Architectural Members of Nagarjunakonda by K. Rama / 29. Buddhist Vestiges in Lakshadweep by K.V. Rao / 30. Buddhist Heritage in the National Museum Collection to be seen through two Objects by Sanjib Kumar Singh / 31. Decorative Arts in the Collections of Museums of Andhra Pradesh by V. Meena Kumari / 32. Paintings from the Jaina Caves of Ellora by Viraj Shah / 33. Cult Image of Jaina Ganesa from Lodrava, Rajasthan by R.C. Agrawala / 34. Rare Sculptural Motifs in the Tirumalapati `Ter" by Raju Kalidos / 35. Architectural Terms in the Epigraphy of the Panchalingesvara Temple at Huli by Shrinivas V. Padigar / 36. Kumahariya Temple : A Transitional Phase of Architecture by Onkar Chauhan / 37. Unique Combined Sculpture of Radha Krishna from Andhra by G. Jawaharlal / 38. Iconography of Dhumravarahi by Haripriya Rangarajan / 39. Ardhanarisvara Murti from Tri-Kuta Siva Temple from Timmalapura by K.M. Suresh / 40. Kimastimalam Kim Kousthabhamva!? (A study on the Harihara images in the temples of the Kalinga Andhra region) by K. Suryanarayana / 41. Constructional Modes and Consecrational Rites of a Rashtrakuta Temple, Pattadaka, Karnataka by S.V. Venkateshaiah et al / 42. Iconography of the Srikurmam Temple by M.S. Ramachandra Rao / 43. Malleswaram Group of Temples - A Study by J. Amarjyothi / 44. Maya Devi Temple, Yesterday and Today by Swoyambhu Dhar Tuladhar / 45. The Architecture of Kerala Christian : Social and Cultural Implications by A. Rose Mary / 46. Agah Khan : Police Officer of the River Jamuna and the Taj Mahal (c. 1634-56 A.D.) by R. Nath / 47. The Enigmatic Monastery of Kumaradevi at Sarnath : New Identification by B.R. Mani
48. A New Tamil Cave Brahmi Inscription from Arittappatti by M.D. Sampath / 49. Recent Developments in Karnataka Epigraphy by A.V. Narasimha Murthy / 50. Memorial Stones (Paliyas) : A Unique Sources Material for the Cultural History of Gujarat by Bharati Shelat / 51. Genuineness of the Two Polamuru Grants by P.V. Parabhrama Sastri / 52. Tundi Copper Plate Grant of Vishnukundi Vikramendravarm - Wrong Identification of Grant Village by G. Kamalakar / 53. The Mandasor Inscription of Silk-Weavers : Spotlight on its Multidimensionality by Sukla Das / 54. Inscription from Dudhpani : A Problem of Interpretation of Sanskrit "Political" Terminology by D.N. Lielukhine / 55. Western Kshatrapa`s Contribution to our Cultural Heritage through Sanskrit Epigrahs and Works by Rasesh Jamindar / 56. Chenderu Grant of Eastern Chalukya Jayasimha II, Year 3 by C.A. Padhmanabha Sastry / 57. Two Korapole Inscriptions of Ahavamalla Deva and Trailokyamalladeva by N.S. Ramachandra Murthy / 58. Poets of the Pandyan Period (Epigraphical-Gleanings) by K.V. Raman & Chithra Madhavan / 59. Was Yadava Ramachandra An Usurper? by Brahmanand Deshypande / 60. Early Hoysala Rulers and a new Epigraphy from Hale Uppalli by H.M. Nagaraja Rao / 61. An Unpublished Inscription of Krishnadevaraya by H. Havalaiah / 62. Acquisition of Landed Property and the Principles Governing Land Alienation in 17th century, Mysore - A study of the Allapanahalli copperplate grant of Doddadevaraja Wodeyar by A. Satyanarayana / 63. Sources of Ancient Indian Coins by Raja Reddy / 64. Unique Punch Mark Coins of Venad (Vel-nad) y Beena Sarasan / 65. Asvamedha : The Yajna and the Coins by Prashant P. Kulkarni / 66. Two More Silver Portrait Coins of Yajna Satakarni by S.G. Dhopate / 67. Political Ideology of the Early imperial Guptas as Reflected on their Coins by Shankar Goyal / 68. Some Observations on the Reading and Interpretation of the Legends of the Yaudheya Coins of Class 3 by Devendra Handa / 69. Numismatic Art : A Survey with Special Reference to South India by S. Suresh / 70. Study of 78 Copper Coins with Perso-Arabic Legends, Excavated at Adam, District Nagpur by Ilyas Quddusi / 71. Recent Discovery of Coins at Metropolis Vijayanagara by S.V.P. Halakatti and C.B. Patil / 72. The Forgotten History of Vijayawada by M. Krishna Kumari
73. Iconography of Concepts in Devi-mahatmya by M.C. Joshi / 74. The Jaina Spectrum in Andhra by Hampa Nagarajaiah / 75. Prakrita and Karnataka : Brief Resume by Kamala Hampana / 76. The Controversies Concerning Anatta by M.V. Ramkumar Ratnam / 77. Jains` Role in Spreading Literacy in India by B.V. Rao / 78. Benefactresses of Buddhism in Early Andhradesa by E.S. Reddy / 79. Role of Treatises in the Cultural Evolution - Dance, Music and Musical Instruments - During the Nayaka Period by K. Kusuma Bai Reddya and P. Chenna Reddy / 80. Goddess Viraja - A Fusion of Two Cults by S. Jena / 81. Jageshwar : In Mythology and History by C.M. Agrawal / 82. Samartha Ramdasa and His Age by S.P. Pandey ISBN : 8188934380 (Set)

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