Bird flu sweeps through Asia; the rest of the world has begun to worry that it might spread west and start infecting humans. As many experts have pointed out, an influenza pandemic is only a matter of time and that time could be now. Bird flu is hard for humans to contract, but health officials warn a major flu outbreak could occur if the virus mutates into a form that can spread easily from person to person. In people, bird flu usually begins much like conventional influenza, with fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches, but bird flu can lead to life-threatening complications. Bird Flu book is an excellent resource guide that provides extremely valuable and up to date information concerning one of the most serious issues in the global news today Avian Influenza, Pandemic Influenza Virus or Influenza Virus A and the impending threat of a worldwide pandemic that could cost millions of lives and cripple the global economy. The Bird Flu book was complied using extensive current information and research obtained from many of the Global Government Agencies that have had significant experience in dealing with viruses, pandemics, and similar crisis issues and therefore, are able to inform us of what we need to know to prepare ourselves. Contents : 1. Bird Flu: An Introduction; 2. Bird Flu Viruses; 3. Avian Influenza Virus; 4. Influenza Virus A; 5. Pandemic Influenza; 6. Bird Flu: Transmission and Vaccines; 7. Bird Flu: Safety Measurement and Prevention.
Pages : 200