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  The Unborn Daughters of Delhi

The Unborn Daughters Of Delhi

by Usha Nayar

  Price : Rs 795.00
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  Delhi shares the ignominy of destroying daughters in the womb with other well off north western states which is symptomatic of the larger malaise of the low status accorded to women and the denial of their Right to Life, the right to be born to females in this region. The book, based on empirical research, is a sensitive exploration into the malaise of sex selective abortions and relative neglect of female children during early years leading to further decline in child sex ratio. Delhi is typical of an anachronism of the educated and well off sections perpetuating the cruel tradition of female infanticide revisiting India in a new veiled form. The crime of female feticide continues unabated despite an act to ban the misuse of pre-diagnostic techniques and sex selective abortions. It is tragic to see women becoming a party to the destruction of their own species, as they are valuation by others and by themselves. Women crave for the birth of a son who they continue to see as their saviour in an environment that is hostile to females. The Civil society needs to mount an offensive against female feticide and deteriorating health and dignity of women who are under constant pressure to ABORT-RETRY-ABORT to beget a SON. The hope lies in mobilizing the adolescent and the youth to protect their own future. In a world so very concerned about the conservation of bio diversity, it is strange that millions of females disappearing each year have yet not caught worldwide attention. The Human Development Reports are silent on this active and passive violence against women, their natural and unnatural killing and decimination.

Pages : 363
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