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  Managing Engineering and Technology, 4/e

Managing Engineering And Technology, 4/E

by Morse, Lucy C., Babcock, Daniel L.

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 250.75
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  Managing Engineering and Technology teaches engineers, scientists, and other technologists the management skills they need to be effective throughout their careers.

Topical coverage includes :

The nature and application of management principles throughout the technology product/project life cycles.

The many dimensions and issues involved with developing an engineering management career, such as making the transition to management positions, effective time management, international implications, the importance of professional ethics and conduct, and the position of women and minorities in engineering management.

Traditional management functions—planning, decision making, organizing, staffing, leading, motivating, and controlling—explored with an emphasis on the management of technology.

New to the Fourth Edition :

Learning Objectives in each chapter outline main concepts for students.

Advanced Organizer in each chapter opener shows how the topic being discussed will fit into the overall organization of the book.

Sidebars with topical examples connect the material to current events and reflect current events dimensions in engineering/technology management.ISBN 9788120338258

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