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  Amulets and Pendants in Ancient Maharashtra (3rd c. BC to 3rd c. CE)

Amulets And Pendants In Ancient Maharashtra (3Rd C. Bc To 3Rd C. Ce)

by Jyotsna Maurya,

  Price : Rs 220.00
  Your Price : Rs 176.00
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  The book documents India`s rich tradition of ornamentation as reflected in its numerous and varied collection of amulets and pendants recovered from archaeological excavations in Maharashtra. It studies the significance of these ornaments as a visible expression of the artistic excellence and cultural wealth of the ancient Indian civilisation particularly at the time of the great Mauryan and Satvahana dynasties.

Discussing the evolution of these portable charms against their socio-economic and religious background, the authoress examines the different types of amulets and pendants excavated, the techniques used in making them, their parallels in literary and sculptural representations, and Buddhist influence on them. Giving insights into the sources of raw materials used in these charms, she takes up in detail the trade relations of a specific site with other contemporary sites.

With a number of figures and maps, the work promises to be useful to both scholars and students of Indology focussing on facets of Indian culture.

ISBN : 9788124601587

Pages : 102
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