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  The Global Environment in the Twenty-First Century

The Global Environment In The Twenty-First Century

by Pamela S. Chasek

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 542.10
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  The book examines the role of different actors in the formulations of international and national environment policy. It starts from the premise that while cooperation among nation states has proved to be necessary to address many transboundry enviornmental issues, virtually all policies must be implemented at the national or local level. The growing interaction between national levels, the United nations is perhaps the best place to advise governments on policy making and assess the state of the global enviornment and intiate the development of new treates, policies and institutions. The UN is also an arena where various national , subnational and global actors manover, where the "local " can interact with the global. While the UN is often seen as an arena for state to cooperate , in reality there are numerous non-static actors that also participate in UN policies, including non-governmental, regional and other international organisations. With this mind the author examins the roles of state and non- state actors in safeguarding the enviornment and advancing sustainable develoment into the twenty-first century.

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