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  Textbook of Scientific Hindu Astrology

Textbook Of Scientific Hindu Astrology

by P.S.Sastri

  Price : Rs 800.00
  Your Price : Rs 800.00
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  For many years there has been a persistent demand for an up to date comprehensive textbook of astrology based on scientific treatment of the subject. This book is complete in itself, includes every aspect of astrology and does away with the nessity of purchasing any additional volume as textbook. The present work is the beginning emphasises on relation of astrology to science and philosophy and thus establishes the valadity of astrology. There is added stress on the importance of aspects and value of Uranus, Neptune an dPluto in modern times as new horizons have evolved in the fields of employment and social values. The work includes exhaustive chapters on longevity determination, scientific determination of bhavas, principles of judgement, Yogas, Astromedical diagnosis, Transits, Asthak Varga and elements of Jaimini system. A Number of example horoscope confirm the validity of the principles especially in chapters on professions and disease. The sanctity and intrinsic character of Hindu Astrology has been maintained through out which makes the book equally indispensable for the beginners as well as scholars of astrology.

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