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  Rediscovering Bose and Indian National Army (INA)

Rediscovering Bose And Indian National Army (Ina)

by Brig. R.P.Singh

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 620.10
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  The book deals with a series of armed invasions on Indian Sub-Continent and eventually the emergence of British Rule in India. The security of India was endangered from Eastern Frontier. The Japanese made a common caouse with German-Italian Axis in 1940. When Singapore fell on 15 Feb. 1942 some 85000 men surrendered to the Japanese. Of these nearly 60,000 were Indian Soilders. It led to the emergence of the Indian National Army. The force was initially raised and organised by Captain Mohan Singh. Some differences cropped up with Japanese on the operational role of INA. He was arrested and search started for new leader . It was decided by Indian Independnce League and some other political organisaations in South East Asia to Call Subhash Chandra Bose- the legendry leader from Germany. Two Indian divisions were raised to fight against the British forces and their role remained "secret affair". When Japanese started withdrawing in view of American decision to drop the atom bomb, INA forces had to withdraw and large number of officers captured and repatriated to Delhi for trial by court martial. The implication of these trials proved to be dangerous as it jolted the British administration

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