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  Managing and Securing a Cisco SWAN

Managing And Securing A Cisco Swan

by David Wall,Jan Kanclirz Jr.,Youhao Jing,Jeremy Faircloth

  Price : Rs 475.00
  Your Price : Rs 403.75
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  Everything you need to design and deploy a secure and accessible Cisco SWAN The Structured WirelessAware Networking (SWAN) solutions from Cisco Systems are excellent tools. With Cisco`s hardware and softwaresome of it specific to the wireless portions of your network, some of it part of the Internetwork Operating System (IOS) and the routers on which it runsyou can allow the kind of access you want to allow, and prevent unauthorized access. It`s a technical challenge, and Cisco`s products go a long way toward providing a solution. But A tool is only as good as the person who wields it, and the quality of your Cisco wireless implementation will be proportional to your level of knowledge about the relevant equipment and protocols. That`s where this book comes in. It covers the whole range of knowledge you need to design and deploy a good Cisco SWAN installation, from the basics of communicating data over radio waves to specific IOS commands to be used in implementing quality of service (QoS) for packet telephony and VLANs for compartmentalized access.CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK INCLUDE1: Wired versus Wireless and WirelessAware LANs2: Designing Wireless Aware LANs3: WLAN Roaming4: IP Multicast in a Wireless LAN5: WLAN Guest Network Access6: Implementing Cisco Wireless LANs7: WLAN Security Consideration8: WLAN Rouge AP Detection and Mitigation9: Wireless LAN VLANs10: WLAN Quality of Service (QoS).

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