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  ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed

Asp.Net 2.0 Revealed

by Patrick Lorenz

  Price : Rs 375.00
  Your Price : Rs 318.75
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  The new version of ASP.NET includes many practical functions and a lot of frequently requested features, including Master Pages, Themes, site navigation, site counters and many more. And with the help of the new provider model, you can now create many functions in socalled zerocode scenarios, without even one line of source code. Furthermore, the new version offers features for building web applications in Visual Studio .NET, including full IntelliSense for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and inline ASP.NET code; projectless development; and a newer, simpler codebehind model. With so many attractive additions to the new version, you`ll want a topnotch manual to guide you. ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed will empower you to jump in and start exploring ASP.NET 2.0! Author InformationPatrick Lorenz Patrick A. Lorenz works as CTO for a southern Germany software development and consulting company. PGK Software & Communication GmbH has focused on .NET technologies, especially ASP.NET. In 2003, the company introduced QualiSite, one of the first enterprise content management systems developed 100 percent with .NET technologies. Patrick is well known in the German developer community as an author and also a trainer and speaker. He has published over half a dozen books covering C# and ASP.NET, including two famous code books. Patrick is recognized by Microsoft as an MVP for .NET technologies and is also a founder member of the German Microsoft Code Wise program.Table of ContentsChapter 1 ASP.NET 2.0 at a GlanceChapter 2 Introducing VS .NET for Web DevelopersChapter 3 Enhanced Data ControlsChapter 4 Working with Master Pages Chapter 5 Integrating Site NavigationChapter 6 Managing Users Chapter 7 PersonalizationChapter 8 Creating Portals with Web PartsChapter 9 Applying ThemesChapter 10 Tracking Traffic with Site Counters Chapter 11 The Enhanced Page Framework and Cool New ControlsChapter 12 Going MobileChapter 13 Configuration for Developers and Administrators Chapter 14 Fun Pet Tricks.

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