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  Visual Basic .NET Remoting Handbook

Visual Basic .Net Remoting Handbook

by Jonathan Pinnock,Andy Olsen,Curran David

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 212.50
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  Since the announcement of .NET, a lot of attention has been paid to the new interapplication communication possibilities offered by web services. But in fact, the core technology in .NET for communication between distributed application components is .NET Remoting. Remoting is the successor to Microsoft DCOM, and enables .NET application developers to easily access code running on remote computers. Remoting offers developers many ways to customize the communications process, for efficiency, security, performance and power, and allows seamless integration of components running on several computers into a single application. This power makes remoting appear complex and difficult, but this book provides Visual Basic .NET developers with a deep understanding of what remoting can acheive, and how they can make it work for them.Who is this book for?Written with Visual Basic .NET developers in mind, this book explores remoting in depth, explaining when remoting should be used, how it can be customized, and why you would want to do so. Best practices, and architectural issues in distributed programming are discussed, and the authors explore practical concerns such as how distributed applications can be debugged, and how remote components should be installed.

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