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  Professional Java E-Commerce

Professional Java E-Commerce

by Ronald Ashri,Subrahmanyam Allamaraju,Chad Darby,Robert Flenner

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 340.00
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  The term ecommerce encompasses a spectrum of trading interactions from the businesstoconsumer (B2C) transactions that facilitate Webbased retail trade, to businesstobusiness (B2B) data exchange that increases supply chain efficiency. This book shows how the Java platform and Java technologies can be, and have been, employed to develop solutions that address these scenarios. To allow readers to gain a full appreciation of the diversity of topics involved in building ecommerce solutions, the book consists of five main sections. We begin by looking at the general area of ebusiness and the commercial considerations surrounding such application development. We then look at the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE), XML, and XSLT. Building on this, we discuss the development of B2C sites for online selling and the design of effective portal sites. Our fourth section is devoted to the expanding area of B2B commerce where XML and XSLT are proving invaluable. Finally, we highlight new developments in the area of mcommerce and see how Java technologies can be used to facilitate trading anywhere. A particular feature of the book is the inclusion of case studies that provide hard won information on the challenges of building effective B2C and B2B applications in the real world. Topics covered: Ecommerce business strategy and planning Types and business impact of ecommerce (including B2C, B2B, B2B2C, C2C, C2B2C, and mcommerce) Business requirements for ecommerce applications (including technological and business considerations) Ecommerce project planning (software project management and process) Guide to architecting ecommerce applications (technical requirements and architecture) Overview of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and its support for ecommerce Design approaches and components for ecommerce Introduction to XML and XSLT Security issues for online business (including Java security, authentication, and authorizationSample B2C online computer store Usability issues (searching, feedback, and membership and internationalization) Data validation techniques for user input (clientside and serverside options) Adding Enterprise JavaBeans to the ecommerce site Using BEA WebLogic Case study for a custom portal Case study for a B2B solution using XML/XSLT to share data between systems in the supply chain Mass integration with the Java Message Service (JMS) Introduction to application service providers (ASPs) Case studies for a workflow application and a corporate purchasing Web site Introduction to mcommerce WAP and WML Smart cards XML and XSLT primer.

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