ABOUT THE BOOK:- Nation Keepers is a record of the author`s overview of the CRPF and the diverse fields in whichit functions, be it normal law and order duties, anti-insurgency, antinaxalism,counter terrorism or election duties, to mention only a few, right from itsraising on 27th July, 1939. The classic story of CRPF and incidents and revelationsin this book right from the days of Raj, stems from the personalexperiences and realizations of the author who served in variouscapacities/fields/assignments in CRPF and was himself a victim of partition.This book also briefly deals with the compulsions in raising of CRPF and itssterling performance and state of rural India during Raj, agony and pangs ofpartition and super human efforts put in for rehabilitation. The book alsohighlights the rich traditions of CRPF and the difficult conditions under whichit functions, either at the dizzy heights of J&K, scorching desert ofRajasthan or inhospitable terrain and adverse climatic conditions of North-Eastregion. ISBN-9788176486064