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  Kargil Blunder : Pakistan`s Plight, India`s Victory

Kargil Blunder : Pakistan`S Plight, India`S Victory

by Major General Y. Bahl

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  This is the first book that cover the entire true story of operation vijay in kargil. It also highlights what actually happened behind the curtain before and after the kargil episode. it also tells whether it was an intelligence failure or not? How can you reach to kargil and know about its geography? How indian army and air force achieved this victory? What was the fole of media,. politicians, bureaucrats etc? The book exposes who are actually responsible for this blunder. What our government is doing for the family of our brave soldiers who died? What lessons our leaders have got from this operation and how they will restruct our security system in the near future. This book will be very useful for all kinds of people including our armed and para - military forces who want to knbow about the truth of this blunder. ISBN 81-7049-120-7. 202 pp, 2000.

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