The book is the maiden attempt on the subject. It gives a detailed and lucid description of the police officers before 1893, who used to be the Army and ICS officers. In 1893 the indian police` was born, which continued to be the second most important service, ICS being the first, under the british rule in india. On india attaining freedom, IAS became the successor service of the ICS and IPS succeded the IP. various problems due to depletion in the strength of the IP were experienced because of volutanry retirement of the european IP officers and migration of Muslim IP officers to pakistan. It is an honour to be an IPS officer and much more when two or more members of a family find place in the same service. The book also gives various family combinations, like father-son-daugher, brothers, sisteers, father-in-law and son-in-law being in the same service. the last chapter deals with `introspection` which contains views of several renowned IP/IPS officers of the country. ISBN : 81-7049-107-X., with illustrations, 2000.