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  The Biochemistry Of The Nucleic Acids 11th Edn.

The Biochemistry Of The Nucleic Acids 11Th Edn.

by Adams R. L. P.

  Price : Rs 1695.00
  Your Price : Rs 1695.00
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  An understanding of the structure, systhesis and function of nucleic acids provides the basis for modern biology. This book gives a detailed and accessible account of all aspects of nucleic acids for the student and researcher like. For the eleventh edn. of The Biochemistry of the Nucleic Acids over 60% of the previous edition has been rewritten to give an expanded upto date account of topics such as nucleic acid structure and organization, repliaction and gene expression, RNA processing and protein systhesis. In addition it contains. * an extensive bibliography providing easy access to the itear ture. * an invaluable methodology appendix outlining the principles behind laboratory methods. * a comprehensive index. * Contents : Introduction. The structure of the nucleic acids. Genomes of eukaryotes, bacteris and viruses: chromosome organization. Degradation and modifiaction of nucleic acids. The metabolism of nucleotides. Replication of DNA. Repair, recombination and rearrangement of DNA. The arrangement of genes. RNA biosynthesis. Control of transciption. processing of RNA transcripts and its control. The translation of mRNA : protein synthesis. Methods of studying ncleic acid. P.B.

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