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  Plant Biotechnology : Recent Advances

Plant Biotechnology : Recent Advances

by Trvedi P. C.

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1500.00
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  Contents : Gene Therapy : Art Science and Technology * Genetic Transformation and Production of Transgenic Plants * Biotechnology of Barley * Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops for Optimization of Oil Quality * Biotechnology Advances in Brassica Species : A Review * Biotechnology of Sesame : Problems and Prospects * Restrection Enzymes : DNA Sequence, Site specific molecular scissors * Application of Biotechnology mand Molecular Biology for Improvement of Cicer Arietinum L. ( Chickpea ) * Biotechnological approaches for the improvement of Pigeonpea ( Cajanus cajan ( L ) Millsp) * Biotechnology and improvement of jatropha curcas : A Diesel Substitute * Hydrocarbon Yielding Plants and future and Futrure Prospects : Biotechnological Approach * Recent advances in Biotechnology of Ferns * Biiotechnological Approaches for Achievements in Mints : State of the Art * recent Advances in Biotechbology of perennial Fruiot Crops * Transgenics in Citrus Improvements : Achievements and Future Prospects * Micropropagation Technology of neem ( Azadirachta indica A. juss. ) Review and an Efficient Protocal for the in vitro cloning of candidate plus trees * Regeneration in woody plants of arid zones with special reference to prosopis : problems, perseverance and prospects * secondary Metabolites of Ayurvedic plants in vitro * Solasodine production in Multiple Shooot cultures dervied from hairy roots of solanum khasianum clarke * Pharmaceuticals from Medicinal Plants * Identification of Biuoactive compounds from medicinaly imporatant plants Grown * Phytotoxins as tools for in vitro selection of diseasse resistant plants : An Oveview * Buiotechnology in thed production of diseases resistant plants * Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza in virto multiplication and application to Micropropagated plants * Plant responses under heat and Chill stresses * Histochemical Analysis of Zonation in the Shoot Apex of Vascular Plants * Plant Hormone Analysis - A Critical Appraisal of Convention and Modern Techniques * Signal Transduction - A genetic Enigma * Application of Biotechnology in Plant Nematology * Subject Index. 2000 HB

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