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  Engineering Chemistry ( For VTU Syllabus)

Engineering Chemistry ( For Vtu Syllabus)

by By Kuriacose & Rajaram

  Price : Rs 120.00
  Your Price : Rs 108.00
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  Designed for the first year engineering undergraduate studens of Visveswaraiah Technological University, karnataka for the core course on Engineering Chemistry: The book provides a modern approch to the study of chemistry and its role in engineering and technology. The presentation is orlented to promote an appreciation of the discipline of chemistry and technology. The presentation is oriented to promote an appreciation of the discipline of chemistry and awareness of its potential in solving practical problems: Maintains a good balance between the theoretical and applied aspects of the subject; adopts a problem oriented approach to illustrate important phenomena; Systematic and lucid presenation of clarifying principles to provide a sound foundation; Eacah concept is illustrated with a large number of solved examples. * Contents : 1. Solid State Chemistry 2. Thermodynamics 3. Phase Wquilibria 4. Electrode Potentials and Batteries 5. Corrosion and tis Prevention 6. Protective Coatings 7. Fuels 8. Environmental Pollution and its Control 9. High Polymers 10. Appendix 11. Index. ISBN : 0-07-463686-3

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